Sorry we got a HTTP Error whilst trying to download that file

404 Client Error: Not Found for url:

If you can access the file through a browser then the problem may be related to permissions, or you may be blocking certain user agents.

If you think this is a bug, you can file an issue publicly on GitHub or get in touch via email.

Try Again

How to use IATI CoVE

Upload, paste or provide a link to data in the IATI Data Standard format, and this application will convert between .xml, .xlsx and .csv formats, allowing you to download the original file, and the converted versions.

You will also be able to inspect key information from the data that the application is able to find, so that you can check the data.

This tool will:

Check your data is valid. When it passes these checks, you will know that it is formatted for re-use.

It will not:

Check your data is accurate.

Check the data against your own open data policy.

To preview how this tool works, try loading some sample data.


The application accepts data in these formats:

  • XML - according to version 2.03 of the IATI schema
  • Spreadsheet - Excel, CSV (UTF-8, Windows-1252 and ISO-8859-1 encodings supported) - see sample data

Sample data

IATI CoVE works with data in different formats.

Try these to get started try these:

More Information

What happens to the data I provide to this site? 

Why do you delete data after seven days? 

Why provide converted versions?